[SciPy-Dev] Compiling/packaging SciPy on Windows with Visual Studio compilers

Marcus D. Hanwell marcus.hanwell at kitware.com
Tue Jun 2 16:05:19 EDT 2015


Big fan of SciPy, working on a project that would like to package it
as part of our Python environment that is distributed with our desktop
executable. It is an open source project called tomviz, reusing large
pieces of ParaView and already bundling NumPy.

As the second phase of the project we would like to offer the full
SciPy suite, along with our wrapped code, in an integrated desktop
application. We have run into issues packaging SciPy, and I was hoping
to get advice on how could build a BLAS/LAPACK on Windows that could
be packaged with the Python libraries we are linking to - existing
build recipes would be extremely useful. We were hoping to use
gfortran with Visual Studio, but that hasn't worked so far.

I have searched and can't find anything, if my Google skills failed me
please point me at any relevant pages.



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