[SciPy-Dev] Weekly Summary 2015/07/21

Abraham Escalante aeklant at gmail.com
Tue Jul 21 01:19:35 EDT 2015

Hello all,

Here is last week's progress and this week's plan for `scipy.stats`

*Week 7 topics:*

   - nan checks PR moving forward. Potential roadblock for 'omit' keyword.
   - `moment` should be about ready for merging.
   - A couple new PRs opened (kstats and bayes_mvs).

*Week 8 topics:*

   - Figuring out how best to deal with nan checks roadblock.
   - Add NIST test cases for `f_oneway` and `linregress`.
   - Start working on `mstats` being consistent with `stats`.

I also hope to close a few PRs that have been open for a while so I can
start working on new ones.

For your reference:

   - Open Pull Requests <https://github.com/scipy/scipy/pulls/aeklant>
   - Open StatisticsCleanup issues

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