[SciPy-Dev] win32 binaries and scipy 0.17.0 release

Gael Varoquaux gael.varoquaux at normalesup.org
Tue Dec 22 02:45:27 EST 2015

I think that we need to keep in mind that scipy is a library, and thus
can plug into a larger ecosystem. If we can provide eggs to ease fitting
in an existing environment, we should. I can picture eggs being useful in
a continuous integration framework for instance.

To only consider full blown distributions as our distribution mechanism
raises the danger of cattering only for one type of users: scientists
(and data scientists), and to forget "normal" Python developers, for
which scipy can be dragged in as a minor dependency in a projet.

Of course, this is a solution to avoid delaying the release, but it
should rather be considered as a stopgap solution than something
satisfactory as part of the bigger picture.

My 2 cents,


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