[SciPy-Dev] build errors

Philip DeBoer philip.deboer at gmail.com
Fri Dec 18 23:37:03 EST 2015

Hi, I would like to test some new functions before submitting a pull
request to incorporate them into scipy.

I have the latest scipy/master, and my understanding is that I should run
>python runtests.py -v. This seems to rebuild scipy first, then run tests.
I assume I need to do this before >python setup.py build_ext -i .

The runtests.py is failing to import sgegv_, specfun, and doccer. The first
of these is a deprecated function which I am trying to fix; I haven't
looked at the latter two yet.

My python is 2.7.3. I built the latest numpy and atlas (3.10.2; lapack
3.6). My in-place build is finding these, but I cannot import scipy.stats
or scipy.linalg due to this issue. This may be related to recently
deprecated functions, but I thought that was fixed on scipy/master.

If you could provide me with some pointers I would appreciate it.

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