[SciPy-Dev] solve_banded is very slow as a tridiagonal solver

Eric Moore ewm at redtetrahedron.org
Fri Aug 14 13:12:19 EDT 2015

First I would try updating to version 0.16.  Solve_banded was updated to
use dgtsv when given a tridiagonal system.  Dgtsv does do partial pivoting,
but it should be much faster than dgbsv for this case.  For a system of
1e6, it is about 6 times faster for me ( 39.1 ms vs 270 ms).


On Fri, Aug 14, 2015 at 12:45 PM, Marcel Oliver <
m.oliver at jacobs-university.de> wrote:

> Hello,
> I noticed that using solve_banded to solve a tridiagonal linear system
> is at least an order of magnitude slower than it should be based on a
> straightforward operation count of the Thomas algorithm.
> In the python source code, solve_banded is pretty much a
> straightforward call into gbsv from lapack, but I did not dare to
> follow up on what is going on in there.  Maybe it's doing pivoting, or
> there is some inefficiency due to being coded for more general
> band-diagonal problems.
> In any event, in a lot of textbook applications of tridiagonal
> solvers, pivoting is not necessary (see, e.g., Higham, Accuracy and
> Stability of Numerical Algorithms, SIAM 1996, Section 9.5) and the
> Thomas algorithm does not vectorize efficiently.
> So it would be very good if either solve_banded could be fixed if it
> does something stupid, or otherwise if a plain Thomas algorithm
> tridiagonal solver could be added as this would cover a lot of
> run-off-the-mill problems while solve_banded could handle the rest.
> In any event, just to demonstrate that the performance gap is really
> there, I coded up a Thomas algorithm in cython and here is the output
> for a tridiagonal system of size 10^6:
> CPU time Thomas algorithm in python: 3.47022
> CPU time solve_banded: 0.428928
> CPU time Thomas algorithm in cython: 0.032048
> Speedup python/cython: 108.281952072
> Speedup solve_banded/cython: 13.3839241138
> The code is attached, but it's quickly put together and I am not
> claiming that it's well.  In fact, it's the first time I try cython
> which was easy enough, except that @cython.boundscheck(False) makes
> the code run slower, not faster...
> Regards,
> Marcel
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