[SciPy-Dev] mailmap update

Charles R Harris charlesr.harris at gmail.com
Sun Aug 2 01:08:10 EDT 2015

Hi All,

I'm trying to update the .mailmap file on github and could use some help.
The current version seems common to both numpy and scipy, hence the
crosspost.  Here is what I've got so far.

Alex Griffing <argriffi <at> ncsu.edu> alex <argriffi <at> ncsu.edu>
Alex Griffing <argriffi <at> ncsu.edu> argriffing <argriffi <at> ncsu.edu>
Alex Griffing <argriffi <at> ncsu.edu> argriffing <argriffing <at>
Behzad Nouri <behzadnouri <at> gmail.com> behzad nouri <behzadnouri <at>
Carl Kleffner <cmkleffner <at> gmail.com> carlkl <cmkleffner <at> gmail.com>
Christoph Gohlke <cgohlke <at> uci.edu> Christolph Gohlke <cgohlke <at>
Christoph Gohlke <cgohlke <at> uci.edu> cgholke <? <at> ?>
Christoph Gohlke <cgohlke <at> uci.edu> cgohlke <cgohlke <at> uci.edu>
Han Genuit <hangenuit <at> gmail.com> Han <hangenuit <at> gmail.com>
Jaime Fernandez <jaime.frio <at> gmail.com> Jaime <jaime.frio <at> gmail.com
Jaime Fernandez <jaime.frio <at> gmail.com> jaimefrio <jaime.frio <at>
Mark Wiebe <mwwiebe <at> gmail.com> Mark <mwwiebe <at> gmail.com>
Mark Wiebe <mwwiebe <at> gmail.com> Mark Wiebe <mwiebe <at> enthought.com>
Mark Wiebe <mwwiebe <at> gmail.com> Mark Wiebe <mwiebe <at> georg.(none)>
Nathaniel J. Smith <njs <at> pobox.com> njsmith <njs <at> pobox.com>
Ondřej Čertík <ondrej.certik <at> gmail.com> Ondrej Certik <ondrej.certik
<at> gmail.com>
Ralf Gommers <ralf.gommers <at> googlemail.com> rgommers <ralf.gommers <at>
Saullo Giovani <saullogiovani <at> gmail.com> saullogiovani <saullogiovani
<at> gmail.com>
Sebastian Berg <sebastian <at> sipsolutions.net> seberg <sebastian <at>

Anon <anon at gmail.com> abdulmuneer <abdulmuneer <at> gmail.com>
Anon <anon at gmail.com> amir <ladsgroup <at> gmail.com>
Anon <anon at gmail.com> cel <cel.gentoo <at> gmail.com>
Anon <anon at gmail.com> chebee7i <chebee7i <at> gmail.com>
Anon <anon at gmail.com> empeeu <empeeu <at> yahoo.com>
Anon <anon at gmail.com> endolith <endolith <at> gmail.com>
Anon <anon at gmail.com> hannaro <hroehling <at> gmx.net>
Anon <anon at gmail.com> hpaulj <hpj3 <at> myuw.net>
Anon <anon at gmail.com> immerrr <immerrr <at> gmail.com>
Anon <anon at gmail.com> jmrosen155 <Jordan <at> Jordans-MacBook-Pro.local>
Anon <anon at gmail.com> jnothman <jnothman <at> student.usyd.edu.au>
Anon <anon at gmail.com> kanhua <kanhwa <at> gmail.com>
Anon <anon at gmail.com> mamikony <ernest.mamikonyan <at> sig.com>
Anon <anon at gmail.com> mbyt <random.seed <at> web.de>
Anon <anon at gmail.com> mlai <mlai <at> begws92.beg.utexas.edu>
Anon <anon at gmail.com> ryanblak <rbtnet <at> gmail.com>
Anon <anon at gmail.com> styr <styr.py <at> gmail.com>
Anon <anon at gmail.com> tdihp <tdihp <at> hotmail.com>
Anon <anon at gmail.com> tpoole <t.b.poole <at> gmail.com>
Anon <anon at gmail.com> wim glenn <wim.glenn <at> melbourneit.com.au>

The Anon author is just a standing in for unknown author. I can make a
guess at some of those, but would prefer it if the people in question could
supply their proper name and address.


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