[SciPy-Dev] return named tuples

Ralf Gommers ralf.gommers at gmail.com
Tue Sep 9 13:53:06 EDT 2014

On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 6:16 PM, Daniel da Silva <mail at danieldasilva.org>

> Are the namedtuple subclasses used to create return values going to be
> made available? If so, what's the convention on where they will be placed?

They should remain private I'd think.

>>>> Sounds good to me.  This could eventually be applied to many
>>>> functions in scipy.
>>>> Before adding this feature to a function, look for any related
>>>> functions that might return similar values.   We should try to
>>>> ensure that return values with the same meaning are consistently
>>>> given the same name.  We should avoid, for example, one statistical
>>>> test using "p", another using "pvalue" and third using "p_value".
>>>> We'll also need to update our docstring standard to include guidelines
>>>> for documenting such return values.
>>> It's nice for users, but doesn't help for developing the code.
>>> It's backwards compatible but not "future proof".
>>> For example it's a pain that we cannot change the returns of linregress
>>> to add some additional things because it would break the behavior as a
>>> tuple.
True, but an orthogonal discussion. We may decide to break backwards compat
on a case by case basis, but there would have to be very good reasons to do
so. Using namedtuples is a straightforward improvement

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