[SciPy-Dev] EuroSciPy sprint report

Ralf Gommers ralf.gommers at gmail.com
Mon Sep 1 06:36:25 EDT 2014

Hi all,

We had a great sprint at EuroSciPy yesterday, with about 20 people working
on Scipy and about 25 more on scikit-learn, scikit-image and Vispy. The
result at the end of the day for Scipy was:

  - 24 pull requests submitted
  - 20 pull requests merged
  - 17 issues closed
  - 2 new issues created

A couple of highlights:

  - Fred Ludlow implemented bitwise operations on sparse matrices (PR 3941)
  - Julian Taylor implemented releasing the GIL from filter and
interpolation functions in ndimage (PR 3943)
  - Aaren O'Leary implemented API changes needed before integrating
discrete wavelets into scipy (issue 3931).
  - Chris Kerr removed linpack_lite from scipy.integrate (PR 3916). (done
right before the sprint actually, but removing 15000 lines of Fortran code
is worth a mention anyway!).

It was great to see a lot of new contributors as well as meet people who
have been contributing for a while face-to-face. Thanks a lot to everyone
who contributed, and especially to Pietro for the excellent organization!

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