[SciPy-Dev] Release schedule

Dave Hirschfeld dave.hirschfeld at gmail.com
Wed Nov 19 03:47:05 EST 2014

David Cournapeau <cournape <at> gmail.com> writes:

> Hi Paul,
> Thanks for taking care of this release.
> I will take care of the backport for expm since I am the one who 
reported the issue.
> I have noticed some issues with numpy 1.9.1 + scipy 0.14.x using the 
MKL (hard crases in scipy.linalg.interpolative). I am still figuring out 
whether this is coming from a bug in our end or something genuine.David

Hi David,
I'm curious whether or not you got to the bottom of the MKL crash, and 
what version of the MKL you're using?

I recently was experiencing random segfaults in the MKL interpolation 
routine with version using cython wrappers on Win64, Python 

Whilst I could reliably reproduce the segfault, it only happened at 
random times when under heavy load in a large simulation and I couldn't 
isolate a minimal test case.

Although I would normally consider that it's much more likely to be a 
problem with my cython wrappers upgrading to MKL 11.2 solved the problem 
and it has been solid as a rock ever since.


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