[SciPy-Dev] PyOp: Linear Operator package

Ryan Orendorff ryan at rdodesigns.com
Mon Nov 17 16:39:28 EST 2014

Hi SciPy,

We wanted to get our recent work on an extended linear operator
package out there to the community and get your thoughts. We are
calling our work PyOp and the motivation is to extend the
scipy.sparse.linalg LinearOperator class. In particular, our goals are
to integrate robust ability for matrix-free methods and use in inverse
problems (forward and adjoint operations). This includes seemless
composition of various forms of operators (dense/sparse matrix,
matrix-free functions) and a handful of useful predefined operators
(convolve, FFT, gradient, etc.). We are inoperable with the scipy
LinearOperator functions, support various ways of constructing block
operators (bmat), and we have implemented convenient methods for
working with vectorized inputs.

Source: https://github.com/rdodesigns/pyop
Documentation: http://rdodesigns.github.io/pyop/

Ryan Orendorff and Daniel Hensley

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