[SciPy-Dev] scikit guide, writing one

vattan vatan.uml at gmail.com
Sat Nov 15 22:56:04 EST 2014

Hello folks, just subscribed to the list and I am looking to get some
feedback.   I am a brand new scipy convert, never used it prior to
about 3 weeks ago, always used Octave/Matlab, but since Octave doesn't
have a GUI generator, I decided it was time to jump full in and here I

anyways I am porting over my limited old scripts and functions and my
fluid flow stuff has grown exponentionally and is quite convenient
imho.  I would love to lend it out to the community as a scikit, but
it ilikely is highly divergent from what the norm and standard is as I
am NOT a programmer by trade or schooling, and I have neve even used
python before.

I am willing to put it up on github or whever a normal place for such
a kit would be if anyone is willing to help me keep it conforming to
"best practices" and avoid dumb pitfalls.  As it sits now it is
probably too poorly written to be of any use to anyone but me, however
much to my surprise I couldn't find a equivalent already out in the
wild.  currently it has channel objects that define a geometry, fluid
flow objects that contain a channel, length, fluid.  It also has a few
unit converters functions for convenience, sample materials etc.

I really enjoy writing this stuff, i just don't have a ton of time,
but every now and then I just like to sit and code for a day straight
when I can, its very cathartic vs what I normally do.

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