[SciPy-Dev] Multivariate ctypes integration PR

Pauli Virtanen pav at iki.fi
Thu Mar 13 17:41:50 EDT 2014


13.03.2014 21:52, Ralf Gommers kirjoitti:
> On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 4:22 PM, Nathan Woods <charlesnwoods at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Is no one else interested in this besides me? If we don't keep improving
>> the back end of scipy's core routines, it will really never become the
>> research tool we all wish we had.
> Hi Nathan, Brian. For me it's not a lack of interest, more a lack of
> bandwidth to have a closer look. For what it's worth: now that 0.14.x is
> branched, this would be a good time to merge this.

I won't have time to properly look into this this week, but based on a
quick look:

- C coding style (variable naming, indentation) issues remain

- Use C /* */ comments instead of C++ // comments

- Commented-out code should be removed instead

- Some debug printfs remain

- The code should more carefully check that the whole ctypes signature

- The feature is not documented

- Tests should be added to the test suite

- c_array_from_tuple return value is not checked

- Also: it could be a good idea to combine the Python callback
  machinery to this, too, so that quadpack code is not left with two
  parallel implementations of the same thing.

I understand that this may be a quite frustrating feature to implement
if you don't have extensive C+Python experience. I'll try to find some
time to help things go forward here, as this indeed would be a very
useful thing to have.

Pauli Virtanen

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