[SciPy-Dev] Configuration in tox.ini tells pep8 to ignore E501 (line too long).

Tim Leslie tim.leslie at gmail.com
Tue Mar 11 19:32:00 EDT 2014

Hi Warren,

I believe I'm largely responsible for the pep8 configuration in
tox.ini. This check was disabled because it generated an awful lot of
error messages. In the interest of making it possible for the pep8
check to pass we disabled a bunch of tests. This way developers can
easily see if they've introduced new pep8 violations without having to
look through a list of existing problems.

I don't recall if max_line_length=79 is a value that has been decided
on or not. My personal opinion is that somewhere around 120 is a
better length to aim for and that 79 is overly restrictive, but this
is clearly a debate for the ages which isn't worth having at this

>From a practical point of view, I would suggest setting
max_line_length=200 when we first reenable E501 and fixing those parts
of the code which are clearly gratuitously out of order. Once these
are taken care of we can progressively bring the limit down while
keeping the number of warnings to a minimum.

In a similar vein, there are other warnings which are disabled in
tox.ini. It would be great if these could be enabled as well, but I
don't think we should do it until someone has time to clean up all the
existing warnings which they trigger (of which there are many!).



On 12 March 2014 08:05, Warren Weckesser <warren.weckesser at gmail.com> wrote:
> Currently, tox.ini tells pep8 to ignore line length, but it also sets
> `max_line_length=79`.  I don't recall if there was a decision to allow
> long lines, or if this is just to avoid all the output that would be
> generated if we didn't ignore it.  I'd like to remove E501 from the
> `ignore` list.  Any objections?
> Warren
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