[SciPy-Dev] GSoC: ideas & finding mentors

Ralf Gommers ralf.gommers at gmail.com
Sun Mar 9 11:59:15 EDT 2014

On Fri, Mar 7, 2014 at 12:11 AM, Benny Malengier
<benny.malengier at gmail.com>wrote:

> 2014-03-06 23:21 GMT+01:00 Ralf Gommers <ralf.gommers at gmail.com>:
>> On Thu, Mar 6, 2014 at 10:11 AM, Benny Malengier <
>> benny.malengier at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> For ODE, I looked at my scikit package today (
>>> https://pypi.python.org/pypi?:action=display&name=scikits.odes&version=2.0.2)
>>> and see almost 2000 downloads last month. So the desire for this seems
>>> present.
>>> The last discussion on this list seemed to indicate that moving the
>>> cvode/ida part to scipy would be a good idea. Be it in the form of the odes
>>> scikit (which is closest to structure of scipy) or via the approach of one
>>> of the other 2 python interfaces of sundials.
>>> Just like the minimize function in optimize, a general framework for
>>> ode/dae would be nice, and then offer cvode and ida as defaults instead of
>>> current defaults. The fact the scikit is present should make this a less
>>> difficult GSOC than starting from scratch. However, for state of the art,
>>> interface to Krylov precond should be added, and adding the sensitivity
>>> versions cvodes and idas would be super too of course. The algebraic
>>> equation solver kinsol would also not be a bad addition to the existing
>>> ones in scipy
>>> I was hoping to find time myself for the first part of this, but don't
>>> seem to find the holes in my workschedule needed to do this.
>> Would you have time to (co-)mentor a student? Typically takes a few hours
>> per week. There's clearly interest in getting a sundials interface into
>> scipy.integrate, but it'll need expert input.
> Finding an hour here and there should not be a problem. I'm not a real
> expert in ODE methods though, more an expert by experience. My interest is
> in solving DEs, not so much the methods to solve them (I come from a PDE
> background myself). Unfortunately, when stuck, one needs to learn more
> about the internals than one was planning.
> As long as there is a line to a core developer for questions, I can
> co-mentor.


> Somebody who quickly can answer questions on typical design approach for
> scipy/numpy.

That would definitely be required. We have quite a few people interested in
mentoring this year, so it shouldn't be an issue. I'll send you a separate
mail about getting signed up as a mentor.


> Benny
>> Ralf
>>> Benny
>>> 2014-03-05 21:30 GMT+01:00 Ralf Gommers <ralf.gommers at gmail.com>:
>>>>  Hi students,
>>>> There is quite a bit of interest in GSoC ideas for Scipy and Numpy,
>>>> which is great to see. The official application period to submit proposals
>>>> opens next week and closes on the 21st, which is in two weeks and a bit. So
>>>> now is the time to start discussing draft proposals on the list.
>>>> There have been a few ideas posted on the list which haven't gotten
>>>> enough feedback yet (FFTs, cluster, ODEs). This may reflect the lack of an
>>>> active maintainer of those modules, so it will be harder to find a suitable
>>>> mentor. I want to point out that this is also a chicken-and-egg problem: if
>>>> you're actively posting and improving your draft and sending some pull
>>>> requests to fix some small issues, it shows both your willingness to work
>>>> with the community and how you work with core devs to get your PRs merged,
>>>> which helps find an interested mentor.
>>>> To tackle the student-mentor matchmaking from another angle, I've added
>>>> on https://github.com/scipy/scipy/wiki/GSoC-project-ideas a "potential
>>>> mentors" field to the idea I know the names for (Stefan and me, for
>>>> wavelets). If other potential mentors could do the same for other ideas,
>>>> that would be very helpful. I can take some guesses (Pauli, Evgeni for
>>>> splines? Chuck, Chris Barker for datetime?) but I haven't added any names.
>>>> So please do add your name, keeping in mind that this is to get the process
>>>> going and not yet a full commitment.
>>>> Final note: you don't necessarily have to be a core developer to be a
>>>> co-mentor. If you're an expert on a topic that a student is interested in
>>>> and would like to see that project happen, please indicate you're willing
>>>> to help.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Ralf
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