[SciPy-Dev] Pole placement

Irvin Probst irvin.probst at ensta-bretagne.fr
Fri Dec 5 12:43:03 EST 2014

Hi all,
I have finished a new version of a tentative place function for Scipy 
with Yang Tits' algorithm (improvement over KNV method 0), the user can 
choose between both Yang Tits or KNV at runtime (method="YT" or 
method="KNV0"). See http://drum.lib.umd.edu/handle/1903/5598

I think YT is what Slicot uses but this time I played it safe and I did 
not check the source code, this implementation is 100% original (with 
all that it implies regarding bugs...).

Once again only real poles are supported, rough tests show that YT gives 
better conditioning of the eigen vectors of (A-BK) on 50% of my tests, 
KNV 25% and they are equal otherwise. Please not that these are only 
rough tests with dumb random matrices, it is not a claim over the 
respective performances of these algorithms in real life, and I'm pretty 
sure my implementation does not give results as clean as the original 
matlab/fortran code polished over decades does (I plan to test that later).

Is there a documentation/tutorial anywhere about what should or should 
not be done when trying to include code into Scipy ? I mean coding 
style, patch format and so on.


P.S: I did not attach my code to this email as it is not yet clean 
enough but I would be pleased to send it to anyone who requests it
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