[SciPy-Dev] SciPy under Android

Ralf Gommers ralf.gommers at gmail.com
Mon Dec 1 17:29:10 EST 2014


On Tue, Nov 25, 2014 at 10:39 AM, Apps Embedded <apps.embedded at gmail.com>

> Hi,
> We are about publishing an Android app with all the SciPy python packages.
> We will include :
> - Python
> - Numpy package
> - Scipy package
> - Matplotlib package
> - pandas package
> - Sympy package
> - iPython
> - nose package
> The app will be published under a freemium model.
> The free app will include a small top ad banner and enable user to use all
> the packages. However in this free app, graphics will not be available.
> In the premium app for a very small fee under the Play Store, user will
> have access to the same things as the free version but the top ad banner
> will be removed and the graphics will be enabled with the use of Matplotlib.
> We are going to call these two apps "LabPy Console Free" and "LabPy
> Console Premium".
> The licence of the work bundle will be GPL v3 but the Python software and
> all the associated packages will stay in their respective licence. We will
> of course publish the source code of all the project.
> We had recently the written approbation of the Python Trademark comittee
> from a trademark point of view.
> We are writing this email to see if there are no legal issue we are
> missing with the licence for example and if the name of the app LabPy
> Console Free / Premium is ok from your point of view.

Thanks for asking. I don't see a problem with using that name. It was once
suggested as a name for the Scipy stack (
but nothing happened with that.

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