[SciPy-Dev] [Numpy-discussion] ANN: SciPy 0.13.0 release

Anthony Scopatz scopatz at gmail.com
Sat Oct 19 17:52:25 EDT 2013

Congrats All!

On Sat, Oct 19, 2013 at 4:40 PM, Ralf Gommers <ralf.gommers at gmail.com>wrote:

> On behalf of the SciPy development team I'm pleased to announce the
> availability of SciPy 0.13.0. This release contains some interesting new
> features (see highlights below) and half a year's worth of maintenance
> work. 65 people contributed to this release.
> Some of the highlights are:
>   - support for fancy indexing and boolean comparisons with sparse matrices
>   - interpolative decompositions and matrix functions in the linalg module
>   - two new trust-region solvers for unconstrained minimization
> This release requires Python 2.6, 2.7 or 3.1-3.3 and NumPy 1.5.1 or
> greater. Support for Python 2.4 and 2.5 has been dropped as of this release.
> Sources and binaries can be found at
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/scipy/files/scipy/0.13.0/, release notes
> are copied below.
> Enjoy,
> Ralf
> ==========================
> SciPy 0.13.0 Release Notes
> ==========================
> .. contents::
> SciPy 0.13.0 is the culmination of 7 months of hard work. It contains
> many new features, numerous bug-fixes, improved test coverage and
> better documentation.  There have been a number of deprecations and
> API changes in this release, which are documented below.  All users
> are encouraged to upgrade to this release, as there are a large number
> of bug-fixes and optimizations.  Moreover, our development attention
> will now shift to bug-fix releases on the 0.13.x branch, and on adding
> new features on the master branch.
> This release requires Python 2.6, 2.7 or 3.1-3.3 and NumPy 1.5.1 or
> greater.
> Highlights of this release are:
>   - support for fancy indexing and boolean comparisons with sparse matrices
>   - interpolative decompositions and matrix functions in the linalg module
>   - two new trust-region solvers for unconstrained minimization
> New features
> ============
> ``scipy.integrate`` improvements
> --------------------------------
> N-dimensional numerical integration
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> A new function `scipy.integrate.nquad`, which provides N-dimensional
> integration functionality with a more flexible interface than ``dblquad``
> and
> ``tplquad``, has been added.
> ``dopri*`` improvements
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> The intermediate results from the ``dopri`` family of ODE solvers can now
> be
> accessed by a *solout* callback function.
> ``scipy.linalg`` improvements
> -----------------------------
> Interpolative decompositions
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> Scipy now includes a new module `scipy.linalg.interpolative`
> containing routines for computing interpolative matrix decompositions
> (ID). This feature is based on the ID software package by
> P.G. Martinsson, V. Rokhlin, Y. Shkolnisky, and M. Tygert, previously
> adapted for Python in the PymatrixId package by K.L. Ho.
> Polar decomposition
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> A new function `scipy.linalg.polar`, to compute the polar decomposition
> of a matrix, was added.
> BLAS level 3 functions
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> The BLAS functions ``symm``, ``syrk``, ``syr2k``, ``hemm``, ``herk`` and
> ``her2k`` are now wrapped in `scipy.linalg`.
> Matrix functions
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> Several matrix function algorithms have been implemented or updated
> following
> detailed descriptions in recent papers of Nick Higham and his co-authors.
> These include the matrix square root (``sqrtm``), the matrix logarithm
> (``logm``), the matrix exponential (``expm``) and its Frechet derivative
> (``expm_frechet``), and fractional matrix powers
> (``fractional_matrix_power``).
> ``scipy.optimize`` improvements
> -------------------------------
> Trust-region unconstrained minimization algorithms
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> The ``minimize`` function gained two trust-region solvers for unconstrained
> minimization: ``dogleg`` and ``trust-ncg``.
> ``scipy.sparse`` improvements
> -----------------------------
> Boolean comparisons and sparse matrices
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> All sparse matrix types now support boolean data, and boolean operations.
> Two
> sparse matrices `A` and `B` can be compared in all the expected ways `A <
> B`,
> `A >= B`, `A != B`, producing similar results as dense Numpy arrays.
> Comparisons with dense matrices and scalars are also supported.
> CSR and CSC fancy indexing
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> Compressed sparse row and column sparse matrix types now support fancy
> indexing
> with boolean matrices, slices, and lists. So where A is a (CSC or CSR)
> sparse
> matrix, you can do things like::
>     >>> A[A > 0.5] = 1  # since Boolean sparse matrices work
>     >>> A[:2, :3] = 2
>     >>> A[[1,2], 2] = 3
> ``scipy.sparse.linalg`` improvements
> ------------------------------------
> The new function ``onenormest`` provides a lower bound of the 1-norm of a
> linear operator and has been implemented according to Higham and Tisseur
> (2000).  This function is not only useful for sparse matrices, but can
> also be
> used to estimate the norm of products or powers of dense matrices without
> explictly building the intermediate matrix.
> The multiplicative action of the matrix exponential of a linear operator
> (``expm_multiply``) has been implemented following the description in
> Al-Mohy
> and Higham (2011).
> Abstract linear operators (`scipy.sparse.linalg.LinearOperator`) can now be
> multiplied, added to each other, and exponentiated, producing new linear
> operators. This enables easier construction of composite linear operations.
> ``scipy.spatial`` improvements
> ------------------------------
> The vertices of a `ConvexHull` can now be accessed via the `vertices`
> attribute,
> which gives proper orientation in 2-D.
> ``scipy.signal`` improvements
> -----------------------------
> The cosine window function `scipy.signal.cosine` was added.
> ``scipy.special`` improvements
> ------------------------------
> New functions `scipy.special.xlogy` and `scipy.special.xlog1py` were added.
> These functions can simplify and speed up code that has to calculate
> ``x * log(y)`` and give 0 when ``x == 0``.
> ``scipy.io`` improvements
> -------------------------
> Unformatted Fortran file reader
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> The new class `scipy.io.FortranFile` facilitates reading unformatted
> sequential files written by Fortran code.
> ``scipy.io.wavfile`` enhancements
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> `scipy.io.wavfile.write` now accepts a file buffer. Previously it only
> accepted a filename.
> `scipy.io.wavfile.read` and `scipy.io.wavfile.write` can now handle
> floating
> point WAV files.
> ``scipy.interpolate`` improvements
> ----------------------------------
> B-spline derivatives and antiderivatives
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> `scipy.interpolate.splder` and `scipy.interpolate.splantider` functions
> for computing B-splines that represent derivatives and antiderivatives
> of B-splines were added.  These functions are also available in the
> class-based FITPACK interface as ``UnivariateSpline.derivative`` and
> ``UnivariateSpline.antiderivative``.
> ``scipy.stats`` improvements
> ----------------------------
> Distributions now allow using keyword parameters in addition to
> positional parameters in all methods.
> The function `scipy.stats.power_divergence` has been added for the
> Cressie-Read power divergence statistic and goodness of fit test.
> Included in this family of statistics is the "G-test"
> (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G-test).
> `scipy.stats.mood` now accepts multidimensional input.
> An option was added to `scipy.stats.wilcoxon` for continuity correction.
> `scipy.stats.chisquare` now has an `axis` argument.
> `scipy.stats.mstats.chisquare` now has `axis` and `ddof` arguments.
> Deprecated features
> ===================
> ``expm2`` and ``expm3``
> -----------------------
> The matrix exponential functions `scipy.linalg.expm2` and
> `scipy.linalg.expm3`
> are deprecated. All users should use the numerically more robust
> `scipy.linalg.expm` function instead.
> ``scipy.stats`` functions
> -------------------------
> `scipy.stats.oneway` is deprecated; `scipy.stats.f_oneway` should be used
> instead.
> `scipy.stats.glm` is deprecated.  `scipy.stats.ttest_ind` is an equivalent
> function; more full-featured general (and generalized) linear model
> implementations can be found in statsmodels.
> `scipy.stats.cmedian` is deprecated; ``numpy.median`` should be used
> instead.
> Backwards incompatible changes
> ==============================
> LIL matrix assignment
> ---------------------
> Assigning values to LIL matrices with two index arrays now works similarly
> as
> assigning into ndarrays::
>     >>> x = lil_matrix((3, 3))
>     >>> x[[0,1,2],[0,1,2]]=[0,1,2]
>     >>> x.todense()
>     matrix([[ 0.,  0.,  0.],
>             [ 0.,  1.,  0.],
>             [ 0.,  0.,  2.]])
> rather than giving the result::
>     >>> x.todense()
>     matrix([[ 0.,  1.,  2.],
>             [ 0.,  1.,  2.],
>             [ 0.,  1.,  2.]])
> Users relying on the previous behavior will need to revisit their code.
> The previous behavior is obtained by ``x[numpy.ix_([0,1,2],[0,1,2])] =
> ...`.
> Deprecated ``radon`` function removed
> -------------------------------------
> The ``misc.radon`` function, which was deprecated in scipy 0.11.0, has been
> removed.  Users can find a more full-featured ``radon`` function in
> scikit-image.
> Removed deprecated keywords ``xa`` and ``xb`` from ``stats.distributions``
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> The keywords ``xa`` and ``xb``, which were deprecated since 0.11.0, have
> been removed from the distributions in ``scipy.stats``.
> Changes to MATLAB file readers / writers
> ----------------------------------------
> The major change is that 1D arrays in numpy now become row vectors (shape
> 1, N)
> when saved to a MATLAB 5 format file.  Previously 1D arrays saved as column
> vectors (N, 1).  This is to harmonize the behavior of writing MATLAB 4 and
> 5
> formats, and adapt to the defaults of numpy and MATLAB - for example
> ``np.atleast_2d`` returns 1D arrays as row vectors.
> Trying to save arrays of greater than 2 dimensions in MATLAB 4 format now
> raises
> an error instead of silently reshaping the array as 2D.
> ``scipy.io.loadmat('afile')`` used to look for `afile` on the Python
> system path
> (``sys.path``); now ``loadmat`` only looks in the current directory for a
> relative path filename.
> Other changes
> =============
> Security fix: ``scipy.weave`` previously used temporary directories in an
> insecure manner under certain circumstances.
> Cython is now required to build *unreleased* versions of scipy.
> The C files generated from Cython sources are not included in the git repo
> anymore.  They are however still shipped in source releases.
> The code base received a fairly large PEP8 cleanup.  A ``tox pep8``
> command has been added; new code should pass this test command.
> Scipy cannot be compiled with gfortran 4.1 anymore (at least on RH5),
> likely
> due to that compiler version not supporting entry constructs well.
> Authors
> =======
> This release contains work by the following people (contributed at least
> one patch to this release, names in alphabetical order):
> * Jorge Cañardo Alastuey +
> * Tom Aldcroft +
> * Max Bolingbroke +
> * Joseph Jon Booker +
> * François Boulogne
> * Matthew Brett
> * Christian Brodbeck +
> * Per Brodtkorb +
> * Christian Brueffer +
> * Lars Buitinck
> * Evgeni Burovski +
> * Tim Cera
> * Lawrence Chan +
> * David Cournapeau
> * Dražen Lučanin +
> * Alexander J. Dunlap +
> * endolith
> * André Gaul +
> * Christoph Gohlke
> * Ralf Gommers
> * Alex Griffing +
> * Blake Griffith +
> * Charles Harris
> * Bob Helmbold +
> * Andreas Hilboll
> * Kat Huang +
> * Oleksandr (Sasha) Huziy +
> * Gert-Ludwig Ingold +
> * Thouis (Ray) Jones
> * Juan Luis Cano Rodríguez +
> * Robert Kern
> * Andreas Kloeckner +
> * Sytse Knypstra +
> * Gustav Larsson +
> * Denis Laxalde
> * Christopher Lee
> * Tim Leslie
> * Wendy Liu +
> * Clemens Novak +
> * Takuya Oshima +
> * Josef Perktold
> * Illia Polosukhin +
> * Przemek Porebski +
> * Steve Richardson +
> * Branden Rolston +
> * Skipper Seabold
> * Fazlul Shahriar
> * Leo Singer +
> * Rohit Sivaprasad +
> * Daniel B. Smith +
> * Julian Taylor
> * Louis Thibault +
> * Tomas Tomecek +
> * John Travers
> * Richard Tsai +
> * Jacob Vanderplas
> * Patrick Varilly
> * Pauli Virtanen
> * Stefan van der Walt
> * Warren Weckesser
> * Pedro Werneck +
> * Nils Werner +
> * Michael Wimmer +
> * Nathan Woods +
> * Tony S. Yu +
> A total of 65 people contributed to this release.
> People with a "+" by their names contributed a patch for the first time.
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