[SciPy-Dev] minimizer benchmark

Pauli Virtanen pav at iki.fi
Mon Nov 18 13:28:50 EST 2013

18.11.2013 18:56, Pablo Winant kirjoitti:
> I have a related question: does anybody knows of a simple minimizer
> function written in pure python or cython ? Are there native minimizers in
> scipy ?
> I'm asking this question because I need to optimize many small problems,
> where the overhead of calling the optimizing becomes non-negligible. I
> suspect I could achieve big performance gains, if I could call that
> function with compiled python code (using numba).

Several of the minimizers in Scipy are pure-Python. You can take a look
at the source code to see which ones (I don't remember from the top of
my head the full list).

Pauli Virtanen

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