[SciPy-Dev] New scipy.org site

Matti Pastell matti.pastell at helsinki.fi
Fri May 17 03:05:13 EDT 2013

I've added a conversion to IPython notebook script format 
(http://ipython.org/ipython-doc/stable/interactive/htmlnotebook.html) in 
ipython folder in my 

The script files can be imported to IPython notebook 

Let me know what you think, it would be nice to know what format will 
used for the Cookbook in the future before doing any more work.


On 16.5.2013 11:13, Matti Pastell wrote:
> Hello all,
> I did some work in converting the Cookbook to Sphinx: I scraped the
> Cookbook from the archive Robert sent to the list earlier and used a
> couple of scripts to make the conversion, it's not perfect but not that
> bad either.
> You can see the results at: http://mpastell.github.io/
> I put the various stages of conversion to GitHub with a brief explanation:
> https://github.com/mpastell/SciPy-CookBook
> Conversion scripts currently require a forked version of Pweave
> http://mpastell.com/pweave (I'm the author) that only I have, but of
> course I can share it.
> I'd like to get some feedback before I do any more work and I think a
> lot of the pages will require a bit of manual editing in the end.
> Also what do you think about using Pweave for the Cookbook? It can be
> used to capture figures and code and can be intgrated to sphinx build
> process.  An example (http://mpastell.com/pweave/examples.html).
> Matti
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Matti Pastell, Dr. Agric. & For.
University lecturer, Livestock technology
Department of Agricultural Sciences
P.O Box 28, FI-00014 University of Helsinki, Finland
Tel. +358504150612

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