[SciPy-Dev] running into errors in scipycentral

Surya Kasturi suryak at ieee.org
Sat Mar 2 10:21:48 EST 2013

On Sat, Mar 2, 2013 at 7:36 PM, Surya Kasturi <suryak at ieee.org> wrote:

> On Sat, Mar 2, 2013 at 6:10 PM, Surya Kasturi <suryak at ieee.org> wrote:
>> On Sat, Mar 2, 2013 at 5:25 PM, Andreas Hilboll <lists at hilboll.de> wrote:
>>> >>> > I just configured scipycentral locally. When I tried to submit a
>>> test
>>> >>> > link in it, I encountered an error.
>>> >>> >
>>> >>> > http://dpaste.com/hold/1007760/ contains details of it.
>>> >>> >
>>> >>> > So, can you please look into it? I don't think you guys have got
>>> this
>>> >>> > one! It would be great if you can help me on it..
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Apparently, scipycentral uses Sphinx to compile the rst markup to
>>> HTML.
>>> >>> It seems like you didn't set up the Sphinx suite, at least, sphinx is
>>> >>> complaining about a missing config.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> A.
>>> >>>
>>> >> I do have Sphinx. I guess its unable to find ./deploy/compile/conf.py
>>> > right? All I think is that there must be a bug with os.path..
>>> >> Note: I am on windows
>>> >
>>> > Maybe it will help to see a directory listing on the deployed
>>> webserver?
>>> > http://pastebin.com/ph3ReddB
>>> >
>>> > I seem to remember using "os.sep" everywhere, instead of hard coding
>>> the
>>> > directory separator, but I might have missed one or two instances.
>>> >
>>> > Kevin
>>> Is the problem solved? Source code looks fine to me; the deploy/
>>> directory should get created by the ensure_dir call.
>>> @Kevin: Any specific reason why you used string addition and os.sep
>>> instead of os.path.join to create paths? The manual adding seems more
>>> error-prone to me. But maybe this is not the problem after all ... as I
>>> said I cannot test on Windows.
>> I spared some time to fix it this weekend (today).
>> I really don't know whether its caused due to os.sep or os.path or os.dir
>> ... etc things -- It was a blind guess..
>>> A.
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> Hey, I just had a look at the source code, where its causing error..
> Here is the piece of info I found:
> In call_sphinx_to_compile(working_dir) function, (rest_comments/views.py
> file)
> I guess working_dir variable is going wrong! I don't know but, when I
> overwritten its variable with absolute dir location of "deploy/compile" in
> my system, the code passed the function successfully,
> However, it again went wrong in the subsequent stages where working_dir is
> involved.. (line 236)
> obj = pickle.load(fhand)
> I guess this is where something is malfunctioning..
> Actually, as you guys are quite familiar with the code (than me . still
> getting along with it slowly).. I thought sharing this info with you might
> help fix the bug easily
*I think I fixed it :)* However, there are some concerns. Please go through
them and let me know!

here it is:

1. the settings.SPC['comment_compile_dir'] value is "compile". However,
this isn't working...
But when I tried with a absolute location (ex:
"d:/code/scipycentral/deploy/compile") it worked!!

2. There is no "email_website_admin.txt" in the "submission" templates. So,
it raised TemplateDoesNotExist when I clicked "finish submission". I just
created an empty file with that name and it worked.. (Don't know what its
for -- didn't go through this stuff) Anyways, what its for? Why it is not

3. There is a EOFError with pickle.load() inside ./rest_comments/views.py
Line 236, 235.

Here in Line 235, its written as

with open(pickle_f, 'r') as fhand:

However, with reference to this discussion:

I tried

with open(pickle_f, 'rb') as fhand:


After all these tweaking.. things going smooth.

Now, it would be great if you could try these on your local machines and
let me know..


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