[SciPy-Dev] Electronics student with programming background - Like to participate in SciPy - Write some code and learn!

Surya Kasturi suryak at ieee.org
Tue Jan 22 19:56:49 EST 2013

On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 11:35 PM, Surya Kasturi <suryak at ieee.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am Surya, studying Junior Year - Electronics & Communication Engineering
> with Computer Science/ Programming background. I have looked into SciPy and
> its really amazing!
> In this regard, I would like to explore the possibility of contributing to
> this project by writing code and simultaneously learn the real engineering
> stuff. My skills lie in Python, Django, C - and little Facebook API, Cloud
> platforms (Openshift), Git.
> Also, I wrote some fun-stuff projects during week ends which you might
> like to take a look.
> 1. Https://apps.facebook.com/pingmee -- Lets people ping their friends
> using cartoons (Python, Django -- PIL)
> 2. Https://apps.facebook.com/suryaphotography -- social reader framework
> for my photography blog; Not yet finished (Python, Django -- Google Feed
> API) - Got to finish if time permits
> 3. Https://github.com/ksurya -- Github handle
> So, I am ready to take up any work and get along with it that involves
> Python!
> Regarding my scientific skills, I studied Engineering Mathematics, Digital
> Signal Processing (now studying), Signals & Systems etc. [ More on signals ]
> Thanks for reading! waiting for your reply
> -- Surya
Guys can anyone let me know about this above message.. please
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