[SciPy-Dev] getting 500 on scipycentral

Kevin Dunn kgdunn at gmail.com
Thu Feb 21 08:50:40 EST 2013

On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 5:28 AM, Surya Kasturi <suryak at ieee.org> wrote:

> what happened to scipy-central? I am getting 500 Error. Did you take it
> down for transferring domains etc?
> (Actually, I am a bit busy these days -- require some time to get back to
> its work) -- any problem with it? Let me know
This is not due to the domain transfer; it is due to an issue on the server
at the webhost that periodically shows up. The site is available now.

The domains have been transferred to NumFOCUS though; was initiated
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