[SciPy-Dev] The New Scipy Central Home page

Surya Kasturi suryak at ieee.org
Sun Feb 3 22:12:59 EST 2013

On Sat, Feb 2, 2013 at 6:11 PM, Ralf Gommers <ralf.gommers at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 3:27 PM, Andreas Hilboll <lists at hilboll.de> wrote:
>> > Any updates?
>> >
>> > Please let me know how it is? what could be added? (Firstly whether you
>> > like it to put as scipy-central home page)
>> >
>> I think the convention on this list is to bottom-post.
>> Well, so far it doesn't look like finished. I guess everyone is waiting
>> for you to just continue, and basically show some more final result.
>> If you ask me, I would want categories and/or tags on the front page,
>> and the recently updated / most viewed / top contributors could go into
>> a side panel. Also there should be some slogan / text telling the
>> visitor on which kind of website she is. Like it is now, I wouldn't know
>> where I am and leave again. Also, I personally don't like the black in
>> combination with the quite light blue of the logo.
> I quite like how the new design looks visually. Putting less different
> things on it than on the current scipy-central site makes sense, especially
> the tag cloud and list of contributors don't add much. I would put the name
> "SciPy Central" somewhere though (on the black bar or in/next to the
> logo?). Having one list of direct links to contributions that are ranked
> highest (as determined by a combination of recent activity and popularity?)
> under the search would be good imho.
> Cheers,
> Ralf
Nice! I will continue my work. Will post new updates on the list (may take
2 weeks). Actually there are two home designs we can use

1. A clean simple home page with a search input.. of course, couple of
links below search bar (ex: google.com)
2. A "modern" forum style page. We can have a search bar on the center-top
while, the rest of the page is neatly occupied with latest/ new updates. We
can put "tags" on the right side. I guess this should be developer
friendly! Stackexchange sites are a good example. Also,
http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums should be a nice example..

(The above links have inspired me. we can actually understand what kind of
design suites well)

Actually, I am unable to decide which one to choose. So, was asking on the
forum. May be you guys can might already have something in mind.

>> This is just my 2 cents. As someone said earlier, I think the best way
>> for you is to just proceed and ask the list about your results, not
>> about any single step you want to take. Just go ahead :)
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