[SciPy-Dev] SciPy Central in GSoC 2013

Surya Kasturi suryak at ieee.org
Sat Apr 27 06:50:17 EDT 2013

On Sat, Apr 27, 2013 at 1:41 PM, Andreas Hilboll <lists at hilboll.de> wrote:

> Hi Surya,
> > The proposal (draft) is
> > here http://surya-gsoc2013.blogspot.in/2013/04/the-proposal.html
> > It would be great to hear some comments, suggestions etc.
> Thanks for you proposal! Let me add some comments / ideas here:
> > 1. Migrating to Django 1.4.5
> Is there any specific reason not to go to 1.5.1? If I understand
> correctly, some modules have not been upgraded for 1.5.x yet, but if we
> don't need those, we should go with the latest, don't you think?
> > 2. Integrating with Content Management System
> While this is nice, I think we should try to focus. What I would think
> is more important for SPC would be a IPython Notebook integration. Like
> having a "download notebook" link for each item.
> > 3. Commenting, Reputation functionality for Submissions
> Yes, definitely.
> > 4. Providing caching mechanism using Memcache
> Does it make sense to do this in a GSoC? If I understand correctly,
> memcached is installed on the server, and just needs to be switched on
> in Django config. I don't see much possibility to work on this in a
> (code-)development environment, without the actual server daemons etc.
> Actually, we need to hook this memcache with django caching framework.

> > 5. RSS, Atom feeds for the site
> Yes. Maybe add the possibility to subscribe to certain tags only?
> What I also find important is categories (maybe I'm old-fashioned), or a
> really good search-by-tag functionality (klicking tag icons to
> select/deselect this tag, with quickly updating search results).
> What do you think?
This features works quite good with spc. "search based on selected tags" is
that right? This particular feature needs ajax which I am not quite good at
the moment.. may be we can look over some snippets in jQuery site and start
building from there --a custom search engine.

> Andreas.
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