[SciPy-Dev] issues trac migration review

Skipper Seabold jsseabold at gmail.com
Mon Apr 22 14:45:51 EDT 2013

Many of the issues have been migrated. Please have a look and let me
know of any problems.


I got rate limited by github, so I will have to continue later tonight
to make sure there are no problems.

You'll notice that I used the same @ -> atmention: substitution for
now so that people don't get notifications, as I'm working out the
kinks. I used the same trac -> github mapping as the numpy migration
and added several more by hand of names I recognized as being a
duplicate e-mail address of a regular contributor.

If we want different issue labels, let me know. It's probably easier
to format them now than to do it later.

Anything else?


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