[SciPy-Dev] Sparse matrices

Ralf Gommers ralf.gommers at gmail.com
Sat Apr 13 16:38:51 EDT 2013

On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 4:36 PM, Daniel Smith <smith.daniel.br at gmail.com>wrote:

> Recently, I did some work expanding the LIL matrix class to support
> fancy indexing. I did some looking this morning into potentially
> expanding the other sparse matrix classes the same way. However, given
> that such things have been suggested for GSoC, I don't want to step on
> anyone's toes. I can move on to something else if that is recommended.

Hi Daniel, good question. I think that yes, a GSoC project focused on
improving sparse matrices and interaction with numpy would be great. But I
also think there's more than enough to do in scipy.sparse, certainly more
than fits in a single GSoC project. So if Izzy or someone else successfully
applies for that GSoC project, I don't see an issue in you working on this
topic but an opportunity to move forward even faster.

Furthermore GSoC doesn't start till 2 months from now, and the application
process is competitive. And the reason this topic was suggested was because
it's important. So by all means, go for it I'd say.

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