[SciPy-Dev] sum_angle() and sum_polar() functions

Ralf Gommers ralf.gommers at googlemail.com
Mon May 21 03:16:13 EDT 2012

On Mon, May 21, 2012 at 6:50 AM, Robert Jördens <jordens at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I submitted two functions to numpy that sum 2d matrices along angled
> cartesian or polar coordinates.
> https://github.com/numpy/numpy/pull/230
> The two functions certainly have their main application in image
> processing and might be better suited for scipy of scikits-image.
> sum_angle() is not much more than the old scipy.misc.pilutils.radon()
> transform. But the later is deprecated and has several problems
> (floats, non-conserved sum(), interpolation, speed) as discussed in
> the pull request.
> The new scikits-image.transform.radon() appears to be more generic but
> a bit complicated and potentially even slower than the
> imrotate()-based version in scipy.

Could you time the scikits-image version, it's not obvious from reading the
code that it will be very slow?

> Could sum_angle() and sum_polar() find a place in scipy or
> scikits-image or are they simple enough to be useful for numpy?

My impression is that it would fit best in scikits-image. Perhaps ndimage
would be a reasonable place too. It's too specialized for numpy imho.

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