[SciPy-Dev] scipy stats: argcheck

nicky van foreest vanforeest at gmail.com
Mon May 7 15:31:53 EDT 2012

Shouldn't the distribution gamma_gen be equiped with an argcheck
function like so:

    def _argcheck(self, a:
        return (a > 0)

compare the line


Likewise for



One more question about the workflow.  I notice that while I am trying
to understand the stats module I encounter lots of minor
points/unclarities and so on, like the above. I have the feeling the
easiest way to deal with such points is as follows

1: send a mail to this list. Discuss this until it is resolved.
2: if it is a minor point, I  implement it and make a pull request.
3: If it turns out to be a major point, file a report in scipy.trac.

If Josef (or other maintainers) prefer otherwise, please let me know.

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