[SciPy-Dev] google releases ceres solver

Stéfan van der Walt stefan at sun.ac.za
Wed May 2 15:34:03 EDT 2012

Hi Keir

On Wed, May 2, 2012 at 10:25 AM, Keir Mierle <mierle at gmail.com> wrote:
> We spent some time thinking about how to integrate Python with Ceres, and
> our current thinking is that we should implement a CostFunction with Cython,
> then pass that into Ceres. If one of you could take a peek at the Ceres API
> and offer thoughts on how to do this, we might get started on it.

That should work; I have a related example (that Dag showed me) on p.
20 of my Cython slides over here:


It requires having a Cython wrapper around the Ceres API, but I assume
that's what you had in mind.  I'm not sure how to get hold of a raw
function pointer, if you needed that instead.


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