[SciPy-Dev] memory leak in scipy.fftpack.ifft2?

Brian Toby brian.toby at anl.gov
Sat Mar 24 15:35:06 EDT 2012

The attached a ~30 line short demo file that unexpectedly eats more memory on each iteration. I have tried it with python on windows and on the mac, and in both cases I typically run out of memory before the loop completes. As best as I can tell, the final scipy.fftpack.ifft2 call in the loop malloc's a 256Mb block of memory inside that is never referenced in python and is never freed. 

With 32-bit EPD 7.1-2 (numpy 1.6.1; scipy 0.9.0) on the Mac, I can see 256Mb blocks that seem to be created during each call to scipy.fftpack.ifft2. With EPD 7.2-2 (numpy 1.6.1; scipy 0.10.0), there are fewer, but larger, allocated blocks of memory and the test does complete, but the malloc's grow to a total use of 2.2Gb. 

Could someone confirm for me that this is a real scipy bug and not user error? Is there a ticket mechanism?


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