[SciPy-Dev] module maintainers

Ralf Gommers ralf.gommers at googlemail.com
Tue Mar 20 17:56:20 EDT 2012

On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 11:04 AM, Johann Cohen-Tanugi <
johann.cohentanugi at gmail.com> wrote:

> hi there, I had started to look at scipy.special some time ago
> (generalizing the zeta function so that a full polylog implementation
> can be attempted, a la mpmath), but my bandwidth shrunk virtually to nil
> for this task....
> I'd be willing to be listed for this module, in the hope that it would
> drive me to allocate more time to this.

Hi Johann, would be great if you could do more work on this. It sounds like
you're not completely sure though. Would it be an idea to first focus on
finishing the polylog implementation and possibly help Pauli with writing
up a summary of the status, and then come back to whether or not you'd like
to be a maintainer of this module?

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