[SciPy-Dev] F2PY: failed to create intent(cache|hide)|optional array-- must have defined dimensions but got (0, )

Andreas H. lists at hilboll.de
Sun Mar 11 14:00:09 EDT 2012

Am So 11 Mär 2012 16:39:37 CET schrieb Pauli Virtanen:
> 11.03.2012 16:36, Pauli Virtanen kirjoitti:
> [clip]
>> Not fun, but gets the job done.
> Btw, for more detailed advice, it would be useful to have your git
> branch with all the source code at hand.
> 	Pauli
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thanks for the advice! Unfortunately, I'm not able to find my mistake. 
According to gdb, the problem lies very early, as m=0, which doesn't 
seem to be right. From then on, all variables related to m are also 0.

I put my code on github:


I'm working in scipy/interpolate/fitpack2.py on a class 
`SmthSpherBivariateSpline`, which wraps `spherfit_smth`, defined in 

It would be great if you could have a look.


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