[SciPy-Dev] interp2d bounds checking

Pierre Haessig pierre.haessig at crans.org
Mon Jun 25 11:14:42 EDT 2012


I just have a small question about scipy.interpolate.interp2d

I noticed that bounds checking when calling the interpolation instance
seems to be ineffective.
I found a ticket about this issue, but not much activity around it.

I looked at the code and at the documentation
https://raw.github.com/scipy/scipy/master/scipy/interpolate/interpolate.py )

and it seems that the `bounds_error` argument is never used in the
initialization of the interp2d object (unlike inter1d).
I'm not at all a specialist of 2D interpolation but I guess that bounds
checking in 2D is not as easy as in 1D...

Maybe, if there is no easy way to check bounds in interp2d, we should
just add a "big warning" in the docstring stating that `bounds_error` is
not currently used (and therefore `fill_value` as well).
What do you think ?


about docstring editing, I didn't find the "Edit page" link on interp2d
page. Did I miss something ?

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