[SciPy-Dev] scipy.stats: algorithm to for ticket 1493

nicky van foreest vanforeest at gmail.com
Thu Apr 26 17:20:56 EDT 2012

> 3) I prefer your expanding the search to raising an exception to the
> user. Note also that your 3) is inconsistent with 1). If a user
> visible exception is raised, then the user needs to change xa or xb,
> so it shouldn't be private. That's the current situation (except for a
> more cryptic message).
> 2) I'm all in favor, especially for one-side bound distributions,
> where it should be easy to go through those. There might be a few
> where the bound moves with the shape, but the only one I remember is
> genextreme and that has an explicit _ppf
> So I would prefer 1), 2) and your new enhanced generic _ppf

Ok. I am convinced now. I'll try to write this in a good and generic way.

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