[SciPy-Dev] scikit-morph

Stéfan van der Walt stefan at sun.ac.za
Mon May 23 07:10:02 EDT 2011

Hi Nathan

On Sun, May 22, 2011 at 2:10 AM, Nathan Faggian
<nathan.faggian at gmail.com> wrote:
> Your supreme project looks great! A couple of years ago I dabbled with image registration for video stabilisation and  the work you have done by implementing the Ransac algorithm and linear registration is also suitable for that application.  Do you also know about the X84 rejection rule?

It vaguely rings a bell when thinking back to KLT's "Good Features to
Track", but if you could give me a better pointer that'd be great.  I
implemented a couple of early termination rules for RANSAC, such as

> I hope that I didn't sound too critical when I pointed at duplication, I really think the image scikit is great and I am keen to see how you go with different back ends to speed up computation.

Not at all; we welcome good criticism--especially if it leads to more
conversations (and hopefully more contributors)!

> In scikit-morph I plan to implement dense non-linear image registration methods, for example:
>    http://www.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl/fnirt/index.html
> I am part way through implementing the approach used by FNIRT and once I get this working in 2D I will make some noise on the mailing-list. So far I have had a bit of fun looking into cython to speed up image sampling.

Since I'd also like to extend the registration capabilities in
scikits.image, would you be open to having your work included there as
well?  One advantage would be that your code is then distributed with
EPD and Python(x,y); both packages that reach a large audience.

>From my side, the super-resolution toolbox is released under a BSD
license and you are more than welcome to use any of the code in it as
you see fit.


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