[SciPy-Dev] QR decomposition with pivoting (rank revealing QR factorization)

Collin Stocks collinstocks at gmail.com
Thu Jul 21 21:53:22 EDT 2011


I have now made a pull request, which can be seen here:

If you haven't already commented (or even if you have) and you think you
might have some more suggestions, please go there and let me know!

Otherwise, if someone could review the code, that would be particularly
helpful. Specifically, I am not particularly confident in my wrapper
code around <s,d>geqp3 and <c,z>geqp3. I think I got it right, but I am
somewhat less familiar with that format than should be expected of
someone who is editing it!

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From: Collin Stocks <collinstocks at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [SciPy-Dev] QR decomposition with pivoting (rank revealing QR	factorization)
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2011 09:28:05 -0400
Size: 15511
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