[SciPy-Dev] [Scikit-learn-general] Renaming scikits.learn

Olivier Grisel olivier.grisel at ensta.org
Sun Jul 17 05:06:55 EDT 2011

2011/7/16 Gael Varoquaux <gael.varoquaux at normalesup.org>:
> Proposals for the future
> =========================
> As you have guessed, I am very much in favor of getting rid of namespace
> packages. Here are possible ways of doing this:
>  a. Rename completly the package (learnpy?)
>  b. Rename the package with a prefix common to scikits (sklearn?)
>  c. Keep the branding name 'scikit-learn', but change the import path to
>    learn

I don't have an opinion yet on whether or not we should abandon the
namespace package. But if we do we cannot use a package name as
generic as "learn" for the scikit-learn project IMHO. And it would be
better if it was the same as the project name to make it easier to
guess what to import.

In any case, if we decide to change the package (and the project)
names of the scikits.* projects we should definitely try to do it in a
consistent way across projects rather than act in isolation.

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