[SciPy-Dev] Release blocker?

Christoph Gohlke cgohlke at uci.edu
Sat Feb 19 05:23:42 EST 2011

On 2/19/2011 2:09 AM, Ralf Gommers wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 19, 2011 at 5:44 PM, Christoph Gohlke<cgohlke at uci.edu>  wrote:
>> On 2/19/2011 1:34 AM, Ralf Gommers wrote:
>>> On Sat, Feb 19, 2011 at 5:09 PM, Christoph Gohlke<cgohlke at uci.edu>    wrote:
>>>> On 2/19/2011 12:22 AM, Ralf Gommers wrote:
>>>>> On Thu, Feb 17, 2011 at 8:39 AM, Robert Kern<robert.kern at gmail.com>      wrote:
>>>>>> On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 18:25, Pauli Virtanen<pav at iki.fi>      wrote:
>>>>>>> On Wed, 16 Feb 2011 17:53:45 -0600, Robert Kern wrote:
>>>>>>>> That said, distutils should already be passing the right flags to mingw
>>>>>>>> to link against msvcr90.dll unless if we are interfering. Can you show
>>>>>>>> us the command lines that are being executed on your machine? I believe
>>>>>>>> that using the environment variable DISTUTILS_DEBUG=1 will cause
>>>>>>>> setup.py to print them out as it goes along.
>>>>>>> Build log is here: http://pav.iki.fi/tmp/build.log
>>>>>>> It's a simple Numpy 1.5.1 + current mingw32 + python.org 3.1 setup.
>>>>>>> Apparently, what happens is that modules linked with g++ get -lmsvcr90,
>>>>>>> whereas modules linked with gfortran (due to BLAS, apparently) don't get
>>>>>>> it.
>>>>>> Ah, that makes sense. numpy.distutils owns the link flags for Fortran
>>>>>> modules. I think the problem is in fcompiler/gnu.py:get_libraries()
>>>>>> (both of them). We don't add the right runtime library unless if the
>>>>>> configured C compiler is 'msvc'. I think we need to add it
>>>>>> unconditionally.
>>>>> I tried that, https://github.com/rgommers/numpy/tree/mingw-runtime-1.5.x.
>>>>> Then building scipy against this patched numpy 1.5.1 shows that also
>>>>> g77 receives '-lmsvcr90'. Build log at http://pastebin.com/Zu4PB4ss.
>>>>> The tests all pass for me under Wine. I don't have access to a Win7
>>>>> system though, so can someone who does try the installer in
>>>>> http://sourceforge.net/projects/scipy/files/scipy/temp/?
>>>> Just tried it on Windows 7. Qhull.pyd fails to load with "ImportError:
>>>> DLL load failed". Process Monitor reports it is failing to find/load a
>>>> file named '<stdin>'. Most unusual.
>>> No idea. Perhaps that's what the comment on line 181 in
>>> fcompiler/gnu.py was about?
>>>>> The above doesn't get rid of references to msvcrt.dll though. See
>>>>> interpnd.txt and qhull.txt (output of Dependency Walker) in
>>>>> https://sourceforge.net/projects/scipy/files/scipy/temp/. I am also
>>>>> wondering if this dual runtime is really the issue here - it has
>>>>> worked fine with this setup for a long time, and the segfault occurs
>>>>> for recently added code (interpnd). Perhaps getting rid of free/malloc
>>>>> is enough.
>>>> The dual runtime is an issue in this case. Scipy.spatial.qhull uses
>>>> msvcrt to allocate memory and scipy.interpolate.interpnd uses msvcrt90
>>>> to free it.
>>> Yes, that's clear. But I meant that we just need to resolve this
>>> memory allocation issue, not the much broader issue of using two
>>> runtimes at all - this happens in all .pyd files.
>> I agree.
>>> But in most cases
>>> only a few functions like _assert, _isatty, _tempnam are used from
>>> msvcrt.dll. This is harmless as far as I can tell and probably can't
>>> be avoided with MinGW.
>> The remaining dependencies on msvcrt probably come from linking to
>> libmoldname.a instead of libmoldname90.a. Pygame went through some
>> trouble to remove all msvcrt dependencies
>> <http://www.pygame.org/wiki/PreparingMinGW>.
> I don't like that approach for two reasons:
> 1. It's manual tweaking that makes the build environment harder to
> reproduce on other machines.
> 2. Pygame now links to a specific library, msvcr71.dll. For us this
> could be msvcr90.dll. But what if the next version of Python is built
> with Visual Studio 2010? Then you want msvcr100.dll, so you end up
> with two runtimes again.
> In my opinion we should only follow the Pygame example if there's a
> really good reason to do so.

Actually that document is a little outdated. Msvcr71 is only needed for 
Python 2.5. Also libmoldname71.a and libmoldname90.a are included in 
recent Mingw distributions (not mingw64 though).


> Ralf
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