[SciPy-Dev] Proposal for Scikit-Signal - a SciPy toolbox for signal processing

Alexandre Gramfort alexandre.gramfort at inria.fr
Wed Dec 28 11:33:24 EST 2011

Hi all,

I think a scikit-signal would be a nice project in the scipy ecosystem.
My gut feeling is that there is already a lot of great pieces of code for
signal processing in Python but it's too fragmented. Most of it is in
scipy.signal but one may need some pieces in scipy.ndimage and
external projects like for example for wavelets. I would be neat to have
a main entry point for signal processing in Python. As demonstrated
with scikit-learn a small and great project can emerge from scipy/numpy.
The benefit is that the entry cost can be much lower for a developer
compared to contributing directly to scipy and a small project can release
more often and eventually back port new stuff from scipy core.

As I already said to Jaydev, I think one should start by defining the
scope of such a project and list/review existing codes to bootstrap
the project.


On Tue, Dec 27, 2011 at 6:55 PM, Jaidev Deshpande
<deshpande.jaidev at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Alan
>> I've been playing with Empirical Mode Decomposition, and coded it up in
>> numpy, and it is pretty neat, but I do believe that NASA has patented it, which
>> would probably preclude distributing it in a scikit, without a lot of legal
>> effort.
> EMD and HHT are nowhere in the scikit plan right now (unless others
> decide to put it up), I simply mentioned it because it's one of my
> interests.
> Let's start talking about a basic signal processing scikit first. I
> guess there will be enough room for adaptive methods like the HHT
> later.
> Regards
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