[SciPy-Dev] Proposal for Scikit-Signal - a SciPy toolbox for signal processing

alan at ajackson.org alan at ajackson.org
Mon Dec 26 19:12:30 EST 2011

>I gave a talk at SciPy India 2011 about a Python implementation of the
>Hilbert-Huang Transform that I was working on. The HHT is a method
>used as an alternative to Fourier and Wavelet analyses of nonlinear
>and nonstationary data. Following the talk Gael Varoquaux said that
>there's room for a separate scikit for signal processing. He also gave
>a lightning talk about bootstrapping a SciPy community project soon
>So with this list let us start working out what the project should be like.
>For noobs like me, Gael's talk was quite a useful guide. Here's the
>link to a gist he made about it - https://gist.github.com/1433151
>Here's the link to my SciPy talk:
>I personally am researching nonlinear and nonstationary signal
>processing, I'd love to know what others can bring to this project.
>Also, let's talk about the limitations of the current signal
>processing tools available in SciPy and other scikits. I think there's
>a lot of documentation to be worked out, and there is also a lack of
>physically meaningful examples in the documentation.

I've been playing with Empirical Mode Decomposition, and coded it up in
numpy, and it is pretty neat, but I do believe that NASA has patented it, which
would probably preclude distributing it in a scikit, without a lot of legal

From the Nasa website :
"An example of successfully brokering NASA technology through a no-cost
brokerage partnership was the exclusive license for the Hilbert-Huang
Transform, composed of 10 U.S. patents and one domestic patent application,
which was part of a lot auctioned by Ocean Tomo Federal Services LLC, in
October 2008."


| Alan K. Jackson            | To see a World in a Grain of Sand      |
| alan at ajackson.org          | And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,         |
| www.ajackson.org           | Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand |
| Houston, Texas             | And Eternity in an hour. - Blake       |

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