[SciPy-Dev] scikits-image 0.4 release

Stéfan van der Walt stefan at sun.ac.za
Sat Dec 3 17:43:35 EST 2011

Announcement: scikits-image 0.4

We're happy to announce the 0.4 release of scikits-image, an image processing
toolbox for SciPy.

Please visit our examples gallery to see what we've been up to:


Note that, in this release, we renamed the module from ``scikits.image`` to
``skimage``, to work around name space conflicts with other scikits (similarly,
the machine learning scikit is now imported as ``sklearn``).

A big shout-out also to everyone currently at SciPy India; have fun, and
remember to join the scikits-image sprint!

This release runs under all major operating systems where Python (>=2.6 or
3.x), NumPy and SciPy can be installed.

For more information, visit our website


New Features
- Module rename from ``scikits.image`` to ``skimage``
- Contour finding
- Grey-level co-occurrence matrices
- Skeletonization and medial axis transform
- Convex hull images
- New test data sets
- GDAL I/O plugin

... as well as some bug fixes.

Contributors to this release
* Andreas Mueller
* Christopher Gohlke
* Emmanuelle Gouillart
* Neil Yager
* Nelle Varoquaux
* Riaan van den Dool
* Stefan van der Walt
* Thouis (Ray) Jones
* Tony S Yu
* Zachary Pincus

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