[SciPy-Dev] I want to do some traslation about the SciPy Reference Guide

江大伟 zw4131 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 22 13:32:08 EDT 2011

Hi guys

I am a Chinese postgraduate student in the Australian National University.
And I am using SciPy to develop some machine learning algorithms. But I
found I could not use classes and functions smoothly, because I often
encountered many technical and mathematical words which I could understand
in Chinese but couldn’t in English. So I was often interrupted when I was
thinking, which was quite annoying.

So I guess it is absolutely a major stumbling block for other Chinese
students to use SciPy. You can’t expect them to learn English well as well
as mathematics.

So I want to translate the SciPy Reference Guide into Chinese.

Is it ok? Can you give me some advice or some help?
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