[SciPy-Dev] scipy.stats.distributions: note on initial parameters for fitting the beta distribution

James Phillips zunzun at zunzun.com
Sat Oct 30 12:37:35 EDT 2010

Attached is a version of your file "matchdist.py" that is working well
in my tests.  It tests a half-dozen-ish different starting parameters
for each continuous distribution - although this is often redundant -
and uses the best fit from them based on the ks_pval statistic.  It
seems to run fast enough for use on my web site if I do not use the
distributions ncf or kstwobign, so those are excluded in the file.
I'll parallelize this code and make a few more tweaks, and then add it
to my web site.  I am concerned about the large number of warnings
from scipy since they will fill up the web server error logs, but my
understanding is that those warning messages can be suppressed or at
least not sent to stderr.


> On Mon, Oct 25, 2010 at 3:14 PM,  <josef.pktd at gmail.com> wrote:
>> This is exactly the same as the `fit` method in the scipy trunk...
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