[SciPy-Dev] matlab reading / writing changes - review anyone?

Matthew Brett matthew.brett at gmail.com
Tue Oct 12 23:40:06 EDT 2010


>> I'm sorry - I probably have probably made the comparison a little too
>> large to be taken in in an instant, but I'd be very grateful for
>> feedback before merge.
> Based on a very shallow glance, looks mostly good to me, although:
> - Using UserWarning sounds a bit nasty -- maybe use
>  class MatlabReaderWarning(UserWarning): pass instead?

Thanks, good idea.

> - Is there a test for "varmats_from_mat"?

No, only the doctest, thanks for the reminder, I'll put some in.

> - Breaks on Python 3:

Aha - that's sort of what I was expecting ;)   At last I will set
myself up with a python 3 rig and test it properly.

Thanks a lot for the feedback, it's always cheering,

See you,


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