[SciPy-Dev] Mea culpa: deprecation and API changes

Warren Weckesser warren.weckesser at enthought.com
Sat May 29 11:00:14 EDT 2010

Over the last several months, I've changed the API of few function in 
ways that are not compatible with the previous behavior.  These are:

    It now returns a list instead of printing it. 

    It now returns just the solution, instead of the tuple containing 
the solution and the cholesky factor. 

    Removed one keyword argument and added a new keyword argument.  
Also, it no longer handles a polynomial (or polynomial-like) argument.  
(http://projects.scipy.org/scipy/ticket/1105, but the API changes are 
not actually related to the problem reported there.)

The recent discussion about deprecation and ppimport reminded me that 
these changes should be deprecated for one release.

What I would like to do is leave trunk as it is, and after 0.8 is 
branched, make the appropriate changes in the branch to follow the 
deprecation policy.  Is that a reasonable approach?


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