[SciPy-Dev] deprecations - things to remove before 0.8.0

Ralf Gommers ralf.gommers at googlemail.com
Wed May 26 11:03:20 EDT 2010

There are a number of deprecations that explicitly mention "remove after
0.7", see below. There are many more that don't mention either when the
deprecation started or when the feature/function/whatever is removed (would
be handy for future deprecations...). If you feel responsible for a certain
part of scipy, can you please check that part for deprecations for 0.8.0?


   75 -         warn("qr econ argument will be removed after scipy 0.7. "
   76 -              "The economy transform will then be available through "
   77 :              "the mode='economic' argument.", DeprecationWarning)

  590 -     def save(self, file_name, format = '%d %d %f\n'):
  591 :         #deprecated on Dec 14 2007
  592 +         #remove after 0.7 release
  593 :         warn('save() is deprecated, consider using mmwrite() or
savemat()' \

  100 -             yield csr[r,:]
  101 -
  102 :     @np.deprecate
  103 +     def rowcol(self, ind):
  104 +         #TODO remove after 0.7
   95 -         return csc_matrix((self.data,self.indices,self.indptr),
shape=(N,M), copy=copy)
   96 -
   97 :     @np.deprecate
   98 +     def rowcol(self, ind):
   99 +         #TODO remove after 0.7
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