[SciPy-Dev] Problem building html docs

Warren Weckesser warren.weckesser at enthought.com
Tue May 25 00:46:20 EDT 2010

josef.pktd at gmail.com wrote:
> On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 4:07 PM, Warren Weckesser
> <warren.weckesser at enthought.com> wrote:
>> David Goldsmith wrote:
>>> On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 9:50 AM, Warren Weckesser
>>> <warren.weckesser at enthought.com
>>> <mailto:warren.weckesser at enthought.com>> wrote:
>>>     First, many thanks to Ralf Gommers for his work on the documentation
>>>     over the weekend.
>>>     I now have a problem building the docs.  Something is wrong with
>>>     doc/source/fftpack.rst.  I think the change in r6407 messed up the
>>>     restructured text.
>>> It's something more complicated than that (though exactly what I don't
>>> know): a) fftpack.rst is a semi-autogenerated document, and what's
>>> there is not returning any errors in the Wiki, and b) if I'm reading
>>> your error msg. correctly, it's reporting the error is on line 152,
>>> but that must be an autogenerated line cause the rst source only has
>>> 79 lines.  So it sounds like whatever is doing the autogeneration is
>>> causing some sort of problem...
>> I don't know what is or was autogenerated, but in the latest trunk
>> (r6410), fftpack.rst has 223 lines.  In r6407, a block of rst was
>> inserted in the file.  I suspect something went wrong there.
> There is a mix up between the tutorial rst page and the module rst page
> The inserted block is a new stub page in the tutorial and was not
> supposed to be copied to the fftpack source package, but instead to
> the tutorial directory.
> http://docs.scipy.org/scipy/docs/scipy-docs/tutorial/fftpack.rst/
> shows the correct txt, but clicking source links to the module rst
> I added new tutorial/fftpack.rst  in the doc editor  to rescue the tex
> formulas from the doc string.
> The way it is copied the header underlines don't match up, which is a
> fatal error for rst.
> Warren, a fix would be to copy the new tutorial  fftpack.rst to the
> tutorial folder and delete the inserted block from the module
> fftpack.rst

Done (via svn, r6411).  Running "make html" now generates an assortment 
of errors and over 500 warnings, but at least it runs to completion. :)


> That's my interpretation of the situation,
> Josef
>> Warren
>>> DG
>>>     When I run 'make html' in the doc directory, I get:
>>>     <snip>
>>>     reading sources... [  0%]
>>>     fftpack
>>>     reST markup error:
>>>     /Users/warren/scipy_src/doc/source/fftpack.rst:152: (SEVERE/4) Title
>>>     level inconsistent:
>>>     Fast Fourier transforms
>>>     =======================
>>>     make: *** [html] Error 1
>>>     Warren
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