[SciPy-Dev] Contribute an evolutionary optimization algorithm

bowie_22 m.boumans at gmx.net
Wed Jun 30 01:19:05 EDT 2010

Hello together,

at the moment I am evaluationg the optimization features of scipy.
During that evaluation I missed a evolutionary optimization algorithm 
in the"Global" section (there is anneal and brute).

Just for fun I have started to implement an evo algorithm that uses 
(as far as possible) the same signature 
as the other algorithms in scipy.optimize.

My plan is to use it as if it would be a part of scipy.

In the meantime I ask my self, if it would make sense to contribute 
the evo stuff to scipy.
But I have no idea how to do this. 

Who is the person who decides if this is possible or not?
Are there means to ensure a minimum of qualitiy standards 
(checklists, reviews ...)?

Can someone please give me some hints.

Regs Marcus 

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