[SciPy-Dev] Does Matlab need to be MATLAB(TM)...

David Goldsmith d.l.goldsmith at gmail.com
Fri Jun 4 03:18:52 EDT 2010

Thanks, guys.  Not that your opinions aren't valuable, but it is a matter of
legality that I'm concerned about, and we do have people on-list who seem to
make it their business to worry about these things, so hopefully one of them
will chime in as well.


On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 12:07 AM, Matthew Brett <matthew.brett at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi,
> > IMHO it should be called MATLAB and not Matlab since that is what
> Mathworks call
> > it.
> >From the wikipedia style guide, I don't think we're obliged to
> capitalize the way the Mathworks would like, and we can choose
> whatever reads better.
> > As for the TM, I tend to agree, it is pretty irrelevant, though I am not
> a
> > lawyer. It might be better from a legal point to leave them there.
> I am not a lawyer either, but it looks as though the key principle is
> fair use.  Fair use means - in our case - that when we say 'matlab' -
> we mean the Matlab program written by the Mathworks.   If that's
> obvious from the context, I don't think we need the TM, and if it
> isn't, I don't think the TM helps much (whose TM?).  I might be wrong
> though,
> Cheers,
> Matthew
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Mathematician: noun, someone who disavows certainty when their uncertainty
set is non-empty, even if that set has measure zero.

Hope: noun, that delusive spirit which escaped Pandora's jar and, with her
lies, prevents mankind from committing a general suicide.  (As interpreted
by Robert Graves)
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