[SciPy-Dev] License for parts of CellProfiler changed to BSD to allow incorporation into SciPy

Stéfan van der Walt stefan at sun.ac.za
Thu Jun 3 16:24:04 EDT 2010


2010/6/3 Vebjorn Ljosa <ljosa at broad.mit.edu>:
> We have changed the license of some parts of CellProfiler from GNU GPL
> to BSD.  It has previously been proposed [1] that some of the image
> processing code in CellProfiler be merged into SciPy, and the license
> change makes this possible.

Thanks a lot for your effort, and for this highly anticipated outcome!
 At SciPy2010, the scikits.image team will make a concerted effort to
include many of these algorithms into our code-base.

Kind regards

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